Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Time to Stop Giving Richt a Free Pass

One thing I cannot for the life of me figure out is why Mark Richt seems to get a free pass from the media. If this were going on anywhere else, fans and media alike would be roasting the coach. If you don’t believe me just take a look at this article recently posted on AJC by Tony Barnhardt. http://blogs.ajc.com/barnhart-college-football/2010/09/27/the-reality-georgia-is-just-not-very-good/. In it he says, “ Mark Richt will be the coach in 2011. He deserves the chance.” What have we been giving him the last three years? When you have the number 1 and number 13 picks in the draft (as well as two NFL caliber receivers- Mossaquoi and Green) and your record is 9-3, I would say you have underachieved. I could name a couple coaches who would use that talent to win an SEC championship. When you are 2-7 in the last 9 games in the SEC, I would say you have underachieved. This problem did not begin this year and it will not end this year. Once this year is over, do you think firing Bobo will be the answer? No, it will just be another way to distract from what the real problem is. He also goes on to say that “Georgia is just not that good”, which I don’t disagree with. However, what I see (from the team I love) on Saturdays has nothing to do with talent. It has to do with having no heart, being undisciplined, and not looking ready to play. Do you know how much Mark Richt gets paid? 3 million dollars!! There are not many coaches in college football who get paid that kind of money and produce the results that Mark Richt produces. It is time to hold Mark Richt accountable. It should not be important that he is a good family man. I respect him for his values, but the fact is he is getting paid 3 million dollars to win football games. Something that he is has failed to do lately. In the last nine SEC games he is being paid 1.5 million dollars per win. I have one closing thought to leave everyone with. You always hear how Mark Richt is such a good recruiter, well have you ever actually stopped to think about that? Whose players won Mark Richt two SEC championships? Answer = Jim Donnan’s players

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