Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Buckeyes might be in a little trouble (UPDATED)

It seems as though the NCAA compliance officers have dug in up in Columbus, Ohio to investigate alleged violations spawning from Ohio State football players deep desire to get tatted up. I will tow the company line on this one an say that these are mere allegations, and the players may be completely inconvenient, blah, blah, blah. But seeing as how this is the Big Ten and we are dealing with Legends (or are they Leaders?) at Ohio State, mt SEC bias inclines me to assume that these players probably screwed up. If this investigation leads to the suspension of any number of Buckeye players it certainly won't help the squad overcome its typically anemic performance against SEC teams in BCS bowls. Information is still coming out with what I will term "Tat-gate" (be on the look out for other media outlets coping my phrasing) but I think this situation is more likely to result in a suspension a la AJ Green, rather than freedom a la Cam Newton. Giving up NCAA merchandise for services (akin to memorabilia for money) is a no-no and could be an Uh-Oh for the O.
Well the NCAA has dropped the hammer...I guess. Five Buckeyes, Dan Herron, Mike Adams, Terrelle Pryor, DeVeir Posey, and Solomon Thomas, have been suspended for the first five games of next season, not the Sugar Bowl. I am very curious as to why the players aren't suspended for the Sugar Bowl especially when these violations occurred last year, and not just recently. What is particularly striking about the suspension taking effect next season, and not for the upcoming Sugar Bowl, is that several of these players including overrated talent Terrelle Pryor can declare for the NFL Draft after this season and effectively escape any punishment for their actions. It isn't like there is no existing precedent that says players don't get suspended for bowl games, take a look at what has transpired in Iowa. Granted, those suspensions where handed down by the team, not the NCAA; but, I would be surprised if Jim Tressel did the right thing and suspended these players for the Sugar Bowl. I can't help but think there is some sketchy dealings going on here with television ratings, BCS interests, etc. deeply involved. Also, there must have been pretty damning cut-and-dry evidence against the above players for the sanctions to come so quickly after the story broke.

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