Saturday, December 11, 2010

So disappointed...

  Loyal followers please bear with me as I know that this Blog hasn't had a lot of UGA news posted, but there has just been so  many other noteworthy things going on, so I am sure y'all understand. The latest news breaks my heart-Will Muschamp to Florida. Those of you who know me well know that Will Muschamp holds a special place in my heart-a man crush if you will, similar to John's man crush on the Sasha Baron Cohen character "Bruno."
  The latest news regarding Muschamp kills me for several reasons. First, Muschamp PLAYED AT GEORGIA, and I always held out hope that he would return to be Head Coach at UGA someday. Second, he isn't going to Auburn, or Tennessee, or GT, all those would be bad, but he is going to UF-THE WORST POSSIBLE OPTION. Third, I like Muschamp as a coach and do not want to root against him. Fourth, what the hell is Florida's problem with stealing limelights. Last year it was Urban speaking out about his "health issue" days after Bama won the SEC championship, now they are (supposedly) making an announcement on Heisman Saturday, which should be followed by what I am hoping will be an awesome 30 for 30. I didn't think I could hate UF anymore than I did 20 minutes ago, but now it is personal.

1 comment:

  1. I know that he was a coach at LSU, and Auburn, and that the Texas defense stunk this year, but it still sucks because it is Florida.
