Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Guess who isn't in trouble...(for now anyways)

  Quick post on the recent news regarding Cam-Gate 2010. Before reading though, take a minute to scan over the previous posts on this topic. Scanned? Good. So, Cam Newton is eligible to play, and is currently cleared for this entire season (games ahead, and past). It appears that the NCAA decided that Cecil Newton might have been up to no good, but Cam had nothing to do with it/no knowledge of it. I have a very strong feeling/theory why this result has come about, and it goes something like this: the evidence against Cecil was more or less he-said-this but he wasn't around-and-there-may-have-been-some-text-messages-but-I-don't-have-them-, in other words weak at best (at least the evidence that was put out to the public); so it is hard to say that Cam knew of something that is hard to prove happened in the first place. In other words, there is just too much of a jump to make the conclusion that Cecil definitely cheated and Cam was aware of it. So no ineligibility for Cam (aside form the procedural hoops that had to be jumped through) and Auburn's dream season of potential National Championship + Heisman trophy winner goes on.
  BUT WILL, do you really believe that Cam Newton knew his dad was up to no good? I think it is a stretch, but I also think that the NCAA has shown that it will follow any lead, and investigate the hell out of it and dig as deep as needed to get some damning evidence (think AJ Green and his jersey sale that netted just under .6 % of the alleged pay-for-play number in Cam-Gate). So whether or not Cam knew what was up, I guess the NCAA didn't have enough to slam him on it-or it would have! I also don't think there is some big conspiracy to actually have Number 1 and Number 2 in the BCS and Heisman ranking alike face off for the National Championship for two reasons. First, why would the NCAA make the determination when there is still one more game to be played that could mess up that scenario, and second why would the NCAA set something up that it would tear down later. That is all.

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