Monday, December 27, 2010

Caleb King and Two other Dawgs out for the Liberty Bowl

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and John I hope you got that Beiber album you wanted. Some Dawgs did not have a great Christmas; it appears that Caleb King has trouble keeping appointments. He can't make it to court dates, he can't make it to "hold on to the ball" meetings, and his latest snafu involves missing academic meetings. King missed his fifth academic-related meeting, and as a result has violated UGA Athletic Association policy. Two other players, Cornerback Derek Owens and o-tackle A.J. Harmon, will also miss the trip to Memphis due to academic reasons. The loss of the latter two players likely won't affect the Dawgs too much, but King's absence could potentially hurt the Dawgs, if not for solely depth-chart reasons. I think Caleb King's latest screw up could help the Dawgs in one way though. If Isiah Crowell is sitting at home reading the newspaper, or this blog, then he may be thinking to himself, "I can step right in there and do work, cause King ain't do nah nuthin'." This also will make it easier for the UGA coaches to tell Crowell that, yeah you can be the man next year. Who knows if King's absence from the Liberty Bowl will hurt or help the Dawgs more, but I am guessing it helps more.

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