Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Be easy...

  OK, the Dawgs beat the Nerds this weekend. I figured it would happen, just not in the ugly manner that it did. I have two main issues with the game: first, why are our defensive players still trying to pick up fumbles instead of just falling on the ball (Hamilton, and not Houston-but either way I would have been more comfortable with both just falling on the ball); and Second, after the number of fumbles our RBs have given up, you'd think they wouldn't let go of the ball unless it was a helmet-on-ball hit. A win is a win, even if it was as ugly as Saturday's was.
  Sorry for the lack of posts and general un-updatedness lately. Both Chuck D and I are preparing for upcoming academic onslaughts, so our focus has been elsewhere. However, late next week when my school is finished for the year 2010, I will keep this bad boy up to date like never before. So for those of you who work and get pissy when there isn't a recent post, calm down and be ready to check daily, hell thrice-daily, for updates. And don't be afraid to let us know y'all are out there by leaving some insightful comments.
  Here is a slate of things that will likely be posted on in the near future: SEC Championship; BCS melee; CMR coaching moves; Dawgs Bowl outlook; Dawgs Basketball; What I get for Christmas; Non-SEC Conference-hating; and more...

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