Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Give me a break!?

  I just awoke from a depression induced slumber after this past weekend's GA/FL result. I don't really want to break the game down; it was exciting to watch, but in the end it was a loss for the Dawgs. I don't recall where I saw this but somebody said something that really resonated with me and it went something like this: We are to Florida what the Nerds are to us-overwhelming domination of the respective series in recent history. It is sad, but true.
  In other news, and the main point of this post-"Chokegate" 2010. It is a few days old, and this post is mainly in response to this article by Tony Barnhart. Tony would suspend Grantham, and fine him substantially. Are you kidding me. Grantham is the only UGA Football coach who displays any fire/passion on the sidelines; was the gesture a bit of poor sportsmanship? Yeah maybe, but he was just gesturing what every Dawg fan was thinking. I generally like or appreciate what Barnhart has to say, but he needs to get over himself on this topic.

1 comment:

  1. I can't stand Barnhart. He is pretentious and kisses Richt's ass.
