Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The wee ones strike back...

  Well the Big Ten (11, 12?) President caught a little backlash from his counterparts at BSU and TCU for his earlier comments (see below) about their respective schools. I personally find this all pretty hilarious considering how much (which is not much at all) I respect all the involved schools, their conferences, and their schedules. While I respect the BSU President's counter-argument I find it lacks punch. I will be the first one to tell you that USC and Miami aren't any good, but at least they have won National Championships in the past decade. Also, because the SEC gets dragged into this, I have to analyze his comments that BSU is knocking down top programs doors to play them. The Dawgs didn't have a home-and-home with BSU, but I doubt BSU would have wanted that considering the whooping the Dawgs put on them when they did play which was only a few years ago. In the scheme of college football, BSU is a relative newcomer (TCU has been a power in the past) so in my eyes they need to earn their keep before they can demand to play top programs. They have the record/"notoriety" that they do because they go undefeated against BAD TEAMS. Although I don't really side with the OSU President in that the Big Ten is a "murder's row" conference...I do agree that the SEC is and if you want the prestige and power you have to earn it by playing/beating TOP CALIBER teams week in and week out.
  Just to back up that last point; earlier this week I saw a graphic on the Mothership that listed the top four teams (Oregon, Auburn, TCU, BSU) and the number of top 25 defenses and offense that each has faced this season. Oregon and BSU have both faced 3 top 25 def/off. this season. TCU has faced 4 total (if my memory serves me right). And Auburn, playing in the SEC, has faced 8 total! That is pretty telling information to me. Now I know that statistics can be misleading and that some of the top 25 def/off might not have been so before or after they played the Top 4, but that doesn't matter because the teams that they did play WERE top 25 when they DID face off-what happens before or after is irrelevant for these purposes.
  I don't know much, but I do know that I am looking forward to the Iron Bowl on Friday, and some Nerd Bashing on Saturday. In the true spirit of getting to know your enemy, I will do my best to immerse myself into the Nerd lifestyle-I will purchase a pocket protector, dust off the ol' TI-89 calculator (although nerds probably have TI-92s or better), load up World of Warcraft, derive the square root of this room, and try to post regularly on this blog.

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