Thursday, November 18, 2010

Georgia is idle, and the Cam Newton saga continues...

I am happy to report some great news-there is no way the Dawgs will lose a football game this weekend. This is in large part because the Dawgs do not play a game this weekend, but we'll say a non loss is a win.

Pay For Play Gate 2010 featuring Cam and Cecil Newton continues on with more news/non-news from "sources" and so on. The latest (that I have seen or heard) is that Cecil Newton laid out a installment plan for Cam's footbal services to a Mississippi State Booster. Here is the fun part, apparently Mr. Newton did not lay out the plan to the Booster specifically it was laid out to the now infamous former Miss St. player Mr. Rogers, who laid it out to Booster Bell. Now here is where it gets especially speculative/suspicious, the go between and Booster Bell said that Cecil never specifically laid out the plan but he "inferred" it. Oh well then, let's get those NCAA sanctions in, as a matter of fact all you Heisman voters out there just go ahead and leave Cam off your ballot. OR we can wait and see if proof turns up to back up some of these claims. If you followed the link and read the article you'll have notices that Booster Bell is trying to recover from the wireless provider texts that were sent from Mr. Rogers (but NOT Cecil). Until that evidence, or any form of evidence for that matter, show up I am giving Cecil and especially Cam the benefit of doubt. Recall that some of the recent sports related "scandals" have been substantiated by some kind of evidence - Tiger Woods voicemail, confession; Brett Favre voicemail, gunslinger-ness, Wrangler commercials; AJ Green bank statements, confession; Roethlisberger's rapist haircut- and so on; with the Newton case there is nothing more than he-said, he-said.

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