Saturday, November 13, 2010

What's good for the goose...BUT...

  • Fairley is a thug-but a dominating player
  • I am proud that the offensive line stood up for Murray and retaliated for the low hit on the QB; I am also even more proud that the Dawgs took care of it during the whistle in the trenches and it was the Auburn players that elevated it to the point of penalties
  • Nick Saban can send a thank you note to the Dawgs for helping facilitate the ejection (and subsequent first half suspension in the upcoming game) of two backup Auburn D-lineman.
  • The Dawgs played a hell of a game and I am as pleased as I can be with a loss and (with the exception of Ogletree showing his youthful inexperience) I thought the team played well all around-and the play calling wasn't half bad either.
  • I can't wait for Verne to retire to Florida.
  • And finally...all I have to look forward to is whooping up on some...


  1. I thought they let up on the intensity of playcalling once they were ahead. I wasn't that pleased with Bobo.

  2. Nice, to-the-point assessment.

    I do hope Alabama cashes in on those suspensions (they certainly won't be running up the middle any less than usual)

    And Murray is getting better and better (and it's not just Green).
