Saturday, November 13, 2010

War Eagle/Tigers/Thugs

As a Philadelphian and a die-hard Philly fan, I feel I am a qualified expert in thug players and hated fans, but I must say that compared to Auburn this past game, Philadelphians look polite.

The easiest and best example of this is boo-ing during an injury. Philadelphia booed during the Colts game when a player was hurt. At the time, the play was shown on the jumbo-tron and it was a bad call by the refs, so we booed. This received national attention and dredged up the whole we threw snow balls at Santa ordeal (which, he had coming). Here, Auburn boos because they felt that UGA was trying to delay the inevitable by faking injuries. In Philly, after the replay the fans were silent and clapped when the player left the field. Auburn just kept on booing and did not recognize when the player was removed from the field. Next thing you know Auburn will be throwing batteries during baseball games ...

Moving on to the classy Auburn D-Lineman, Fairley. He was hitting Murray late all game long and getting away with it. The hit he actually got called on would have warranted a fine in the NFL. You do not hit a QB in the back with your head down so there is direct helmet contact, especially after he has already thrown the ball. Maybe if Fairley was paying attention to the game and not planning his next illegal tackle, he wouldn't have received the penalty. Jim Johnson wouldn't stand for our Defense acting like that, but shockingly, former-Gator Chizik let it go.

I must say that I was most proud of CMR this week when the fight broke out and Richt justified it perfectly -- it's what happens when refs don't give penalties for roughing the passer and late hits all day. Of course our players are going to settle it on the field, Fairley's a big boy I think he can handle a hit from little-ol' Ealey.

This brings me to my last point, Auburn is winning by 18 points and beating up on our QB (I don't think for a second that Fairley's helmet to Murray's knee was unintentional) and its Auburn who is throwing punches? Congrats, you got yourself suspended for half of a game. And you're welcome Bama.

Philly fans may throw snow balls and batteries and have a potential for hatred that is unparalleled, but at least we recognize that we're jerks and don't pretend to be otherwise.

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