Saturday, November 6, 2010


Today’s game went exactly as one would expect. In the first quarter we came out flat, which isn’t unusual considering last weeks game, but we rebounded well and looked solid. By about the third quarter my mind was focused on Auburn. Does anyone think we stand a chance next week? I honestly haven’t decided what I think yet.

I think we can all agree that Auburn is the best team in the SEC. They have had a few close games, but they look like the Oregon of the East (scoring 60 on everyone). Cameron Newton looks like the reincarnation of Tim Tebow (except I don’t hate Cam Newton). He has 19 TD/ 15 TD rushing and receiving. To go along with Newton they have Michael Dyer (a great freshman RB) and Ontario Mccalebb who is like Carlton Thomas, only much more talented. If you put all of that together, I think Auburn scores 30 points easily.

So now the question becomes can we score 30 points? AJ Green was quoted after the game as saying that “they (Auburn) have not faced anyone like me and Aaron”. I agree and disagree with that. I honestly believed that if the playcalling goes well we have a stacked offense. If Bobo uses Murray, Green, Charles, King, Ealey, Durham, etc, etc correctly our offense can be extremely dangerous. However, Auburn has already faced Mallett/ Childs and Garcia/Jeffrey and beat them both. The whole season I have watched Auburn get destroyed on defense. There are a couple of reasons for that:

1.There offense is on the field for about 2 seconds every drive, so the defense stays out there a lot and stays tired

2. Nick Fairley is there only defensive standout and we have protected the QB pretty well lately

Add all of that up and I think we could easily score 30 points on Auburn.

We need to watch the film of the first half of the Clemson-Auburn game and watch how Clemson held Auburn to 3 points at halftime. With all of that being said, I think we can make it a good game, but I think we lose 42-31.

On another note the Georgia-Auburn game is the oldest rivalry in the South. For some reason I have never hated Auburn like I hate UF, GT, and UT. I feel like Auburn, Alabama, and Ole Miss are similar to UGA and at least have a little class. Needless to say, it makes watching the game a little easier.

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