Saturday, October 9, 2010

I still have a little bark left

What a great day to be a Georgia Bulldog. On my list of hated rivals Tennessee has always ranked 3rd behind Florida and Georgia Tech. So, even though we are both currently fielding JV teams, I get fired up when we get to beat up on the Orange. Didn’t it feel great today? It was the first time in the last month that we have had anything to cheer for and we looked like we belonged in the SEC today. We looked ready to play and came out with fire in our belly. I thought we mixed it up well on offense and our defense played aggressive all day. It feels great to finally win again and I wish I could have been in the stadium to hear the battle hymn.

AJ Green once again proved that he is hands down the #1 receiver in the country. The play across the middle where he got yoked but still held onto the ball was just a great play made by a great player.

Aaron Murray looks like he is starting to get very comfortable with the offense. Today he looked like he was playing on instinct, which is something that comes once you know the plays and don’t have to think all of the time. I really believe that he could be a special player at UGA if he has a good supporting cast and good coaching.

I have also decided that Caleb King is by far the #1 tailback on this team right now. His field vision is far superior to Ealey’s. Am I the only one who feels like Ealey runs into the lineman on purpose?

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