Saturday, October 16, 2010

Urban Cryer

Can you believe Ms. State just beat Florida with a balanced second half attack of 25 runs to 1 pass. They were basically playing to lose and handing Florida the game yet, Florida didn't take advantage and lost one of the worst games in Urban's tenure.
There is nothing I like more than seeing Urban Meyer with his head in his hands at the end of game. I think Urban is the biggest baby in all of sports. "Oh no I lost three games in a row Wah Wah!" I might not like Mark Richt all the time, but I guarantee he wouldn't show his ass like that out on the field.
On another non UGA related note. I watched a little bit of the OSU vs WI game and I honestly believe we could beat both those teams. The Big 10 has slow players and the conference is so overrated.

1 comment:

  1. Urban Meyer is a HUGE cry baby and excuse maker. I'll give CMR this, he rarely makes sissy excuses, he doesn't make broad assertions, but he also doesn't make stupid excuses like Meyer tends to do.
    With regards to OSU vs. Wisconsin, all in all, they are members of an overrated conference. T. Pryor is and has been overrated since he was a recruit-I've read that while making appearances at quarterback camps he (as a college QB) had flaws that High School kids were working on and fixing! Glad to see them lose.
