Monday, October 4, 2010

It Just Got Worse

  I remember Richt telling the team and media that "it could be worse," and he was right. Sure there were flashes of improvement during the game, but that will be discussed later. At the beginning of the season when UGA was considered a sleeper team in the SEC, I had a deep seeded fear that somehow this would be the year that Georgia makes it to the National Championship, and that it would be the same year a SEC team would finally lose to another conference (which would equal SEC embarrassment). This weekend I had the awesome fortune of realizing part of that initial fear-UGA would lose to a crap non-SEC team and embarrass itself and the SEC. It just so happened that the team Georgia lost to wasn't even the caliber team that an overrated OSU or Oklahoma tends to be.
  The game against Colorado established one thing for sure-embarrassment. I am 100% behind the TEAM, and UGA as a whole, but that has not prevented the huge feeling of embarrassment that arose as the last seconds of the game ticked away. I am embarrassed that Georgia is 1-3; I am embarrassed that Georgia lost to a middle of the pack Big 12 team; and I am embarrassed for the SEC because a down Georgia team may be mistaken for the cream of the SEC crop-and that is not the case at all. Georgia shouldn't ever lose to Colorado; hell, I would be mad if VANDERBILT lost to Colorado! The main point is that Georgia has been an embarrassment to itself, the SEC, and the fans. Sure the players played hard, but they should be embarrassed too! That isn't near the thrashing that I could give the Dawgs; instead I'll finish with a few points/observations that are only 50 percent or so negative (PLUS a juicy bit I heard through the rumor mill that should enrage several folks in the extensive readership!).
  •  The Colorado cheerleaders (at least the ones I saw) looked like middle-aged, reference librarians at the Montgomery County Public Library - no offense to the Montgomery Co, librarians.
  • When will a Georgia LB that is spying the QB actually make a play instead of getting a dump pass thrown over his head for a 10 yard gain?
  • When will Bobo stop running up the gut to no avail on 3rd and 4, 3rd and 3, 3rd and etc. plays. According to one of the commentators, Bobo's 3rd and 4 to-go  rush up the middle play call in the first quarter was a "waste of a good opportunity with the ball."
  • Understatement of the season - I think we missed AJ Green. AJ is the real deal, everyone who reads this is probably already aware of that fact-but in case you aren't, go back and take a look at his first touchdown (1 handed) catch.
  • The special teams looked good. I also stand by Walsh; he is automatic and carrying the team on his shoulders probably wore him down. I do not think any blame should be placed on him for the loss just because he missed a kick. 
  • Murray also looked good. He made some great touch throws-right in the bread basket in stride.
  • I was in shock that our great Tight Ends got some looks-about 4 according to my count, which is about 3 more than they received in the other games!
  • If UGA is in the redzone, or the game is potentially on the line-DO NOT hand it off to one of the running backs. Maybe McClendon needs to stress ball control a little more...or better yet, maybe the O-Coordinator should stress it...or better yet, maybe the Head Coach should stress it-oh well, probably won't be stressed.
  • I swear I saw Richt smiling as he was leaving the field after the game. Maybe I was just delusional.
  • And Finally, does everyone remember during the first game of the season when Grantham vigorously tore into the Defense with anger and hellfire? Apparently word on the Jacksonville street is that after the game Richt had a one-on-one with Grantham and requested that he keep a cooler head on the sideline. I know, if there is any truth to this-and I believe there is or else I wouldn't post it-then that is the last straw. What is disappointing is that if we get rid of Richt, then necessarily Grantham has to go because the new coach will bring in his own personnel, just plain disappointing. 
  • I really want Richt to do well enough to change my opinion of him because I know he is a good guy, but what I-and the Georgia fans I know-want is a good COACH.
It could get worse, and it sure did on Saturday night. I hope the Dawgs can pull out a few more wins, but Richt was and still is right about one thing-it could get worse.

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